Seed Selection
Always use certified seed containing at least 98% purity, not less than 80% germination, admixture of other rice variety shall not exceed 0.5%.Use only well filled and heavy grains. Soak the seeds in salt solution (270gms in 10 litres water ) for about 10 minutes. Select heavier seeds that settles at the bottom after discarding the seeds that floats in the solution. Wash the seeds in clean water immediately after removing from the solution. Seed Treatment
Protect the crop from seed-borne diseases by treatment with solution of Carbendazim W.P @ 1gm/litre of water. Soak the seeds in the solution for 24 hours. This treatment offer protection against fungal diseases like blast, brown spot, root-rot, elongation etc. In areas where bacterial leaf blight is prevalent, treat the seeds by soaking in a solution of 0.5gms Streptocycline in 1litre water for 12hours. After treatment, dry the seeds under the shade before sowing. Planting season
Rice should be planted at an appropriate time depending on the variety. It is suggested to avoid unfavorable weather during plant development, for example, too warm or too cold weather during blooming stage, and heavy rain at harvesting. Mainly there are two seasons- Kharif and Boro for rice cultivation. Seed Rate
40 kgs/Ha. in case of High Yielding varieties (H.Y.V) 50 kgs/Ha. in case of Improved varieties for high altitude region
Soil Preparation and Planting Method
(1) Seedling nursery
- The seedbed should be prepared by starting from first plowing in lengthwise of the field. The second plowing in crosswise should be done 7-10 days after. Water should be applied into the field subsequently after plowing to flood the muddy soil, then harrowing and paddling processes.
- The prepared land should be partitioned into small seedbeds, 1-2 m. wide with the length along the field. A small furrow of 30 cm. wide is set between seedbeds for water drainage.
- Rice seeds are sown uniformly on the seedbeds at the rate of 50-70 gm. per sq. m.
- The seedbeds re maintained at saturated moisture for seed germination by draining out the flooding water. After the emergence of seedling, gradually increase the water level of the seedbeds according to the height of the seedling, but not exceeds 5 cm. from the soil surface.
(2) Transplanting
- Planting field should be started from first plowing in lengthwise of the field. The second plowing in crosswise should be done 7-10 days after. Water should be applied into the field subsequently after plowing to flood the muddy soil, then harrowing and paddling processes. The water level should be maintained at approximately 5 cm. from the soil surface.
- Transplanting is made by using approximately 25 day-old seedlings. Transplant the seedlings when they are at 3 to 4 leaf stage. Irrigate the nursery beds to facilitate easy uprooting of seedlings. Clip off the leaf tips before transplanting.
- Spacing between rows is recommended at 20 cm and between hills at 20 cm with the number of 3 to 5 seedlings/hill.
- Water level in the field should be maintained at 5-10 cm. that appropriate to the plants growth.
- Water should be maintained all the plant growth duration, especially the period of panicle initiation to blooming
- 15 to 20 days after 80% of plants bloomed; remaining water should be drained depending on soil type.
Sl. No. Duration of Variety Age of Seedlings for transplanting (In Days) 1. Short and Medium duration varieties (upto 120 days) 25 2. Medium to Long duration varieties (120-130 days) 30-35 3. Long duration varieties (130-160 days) 30-45
Wet seeded Practice should be done as follow:
- Planting field should be started from first plowing in lengthwise of the field. The second plowing in crosswise should be done 7-10 days after. Water should be applied into the field subsequently after plowing to flood the muddy soil, then harrowing and puddling processes, then leveling the muddy surface.
- Prepared field should be partitioned into small plots of 5-10 m. wide with the length along the field. A small furrow of 30 cm. wide should be set between the plots for water drainage.
- Rice seeds should be sown or broadcasted uniformly on the plots at the rate of 10 to 20 kg./rai. (According to b.
- Drain off flooding water after sowing and keep the soil saturated with moisture for seed germination, then gradually increase the water level according to the height of the plants, but not exceed 10 cm. from the soil surface.
Water should be maintained all the plant growth duration, especially the period of panicle initiation to blooming - 15 to 20 days after 80% of plants bloomed; remaining water should be drained depending on soil type.
Dry seeded practice should be done as follow:
- Planting field should be started from first plowing in lengthwise of the field. The second plowing in crosswise should be done 15-30 days after with hand weeding at the same time.
- Rice seeds should be sown or broadcasted uniformly on the plots at the rate of 10 to 20 kg./rai.
- Soil should be plowed to incorporate rice seed under it. The moisture will accelerate seed germination. If the seeds incorporated too deep under the soil, at heavy rain, the seed would not evenly germinate and rot.
- After sowing, keep the field from being flooded but containing moisture sufficient for seed germination. Slowly increase water level according to plant height. Be careful that the plants are not submerged under water and not exceed to 10 cm. from soil surface.
- Be sure that rice plants have sufficient water to grow , especially at the stage of panicle initiation and blooming.
- 15 to 20 days after 80% of plants bloomed; remaining water should be drained depending on soil type.
Manures and Fertilizers
Judicious and balance fertilizers application are very important. Use of chemical fertilizers incorporated with organic fertilizers in rice cultivation, the organic fertilizer enhances an improvement in physical and biological properties of soil. It increase micro organism and contains more supplemental elements than chemical fertilizer. It also absorbs nutrients and slow down leaching of chemical fertilizer.
- Plot size should be known for accurate fertilizer application
- Dike around rice plot must not have any water leakage before fertilizer application. After applying fertilizer for three to five days, water can be flow normally.
- Before fertilizer application, water level should be maintained at 5cm.
- Eliminate any weed in rice before fertilizer application, especially when rice plants develop at early stage.
- Apply fertilizer, its rate and time of application appropriate to rice variety and soil type.
Inter-Cultural Operation
Re-planting of dead hills should be done within 7-10 days of transplanting with seedlings of the same age. Pre-emergence herbicides like Butachlor @ 25kgs/Ha can be atop dressed after transplanting to check emergence of weed. Perform hand weeding at tillering stage, i.e. 20-25 days after transplanting, before application of first atop dressing of fertilizers. Maintaining 5cms depth of water continuously from rooting stage till 15-20 days before harvesting will keep in check weed growth.
Water management
Water should be maintained up to a depth of 5cms right from one week after transplanting till 2 to 3 weeks before harvest.
It should be noted that if irrigation facilities are available, water may be drained out from the field before broadcasting of fertilizers during atop dressing. This is done to avoid undue loss of fertilizer due to runoff. The field may again be irrigated 2 to 3 days after atop dressing.
Water should be maintained up to a depth of 5cms right from one week after transplanting till 2 to 3 weeks before harvest.
It should be noted that if irrigation facilities are available, water may be drained out from the field before broadcasting of fertilizers during a top dressing. This is done to avoid undue loss of fertilizer due to runoff. The field may again be irrigated 2 to 3 days after a top dressing.